Activities & Campaigns

Insights into the Living Lab Lokstadt, past and planned projects and more…

This Living Lab Lokstadt works with residents to implement various projects that enable residents to take a step towards a more sustainable life without having to sacrifice quality of life.

Mobility Tracking App (from middle of May, 2025)

Many road users do not know exactly how much CO₂ the various modes of transport cause. This makes it difficult to decide whether the city bus or the e-scooter is the more environmentally friendly option or how much better the train is compared to the e-car. Our campaign gives residents access to a mobility app that analyzes the means of transport used and clearly displays CO₂ emissions. This makes it clear where savings can be made and raises awareness of CO₂ consumption.

Joaquin Corbalan

Cargo bike campaign (from fall 2025)

Whether it’s transporting the groceries home or taking the children to nursery, the car is often the obvious solution to everyday problems. In this campaign, we want to make it possible to avoid having to travel short distances by car by renting out cargo bikes. Instead, residents can hire the neighborhood cargo bike for journeys that are almost impossible to make on foot or by bus. Thanks to the 24-hour rental system, there is no need for high purchase costs for a personal cargo bike. Instead, users can flexibly rent the cargo bike exactly when they need it.


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